FAQS 2017-07-17T07:04:05+00:00


Jow Ga Kung Fu is a Guangdong Southern style martial art, as well as a unique form of traditional Chinese martial arts. Jow Ga Kung Fu was passed down exclusively through the generations of the Jow Lung family, whose elders fled mainland China during the Cultural Revolution.

Kung fu is a Chinese martial art that has hard and soft styles which use open-hand combat, grappling and throws, as well as weapons. Because of its wide range of moves and techniques, kung fu has a more complex combat system compared to other martial arts.

Karate is a Japanese martial art that combines striking and strength, with minimal grappling holds and throws. Tae Kwon Do, on the other hand, is Korean and focuses on the use of the feet and legs. Like karate, it emphasises physical strength.

There is no age limit for learning Jow Ga Kung Fu; the only limitations are those you set on your own willingness to learn and work hard to improve.

With constant practice, Jow Ga Kung Fu can eventually help a student become fit, which means a student does not necessarily have to be fit to learn. The masters at the Academy adjust to a student’s fitness level as well as his skill level and physical ability.

The self-defence techniques that we teach at Jow Ga Kung Fu Academy Singapore are both practical and responsible. We teach children that kung fu is a form of learning and exercise, and is not to be used for bullying or violence. If any of our young students should display violent tendencies, these tendencies tend to subside as they progress through our training programme.

We make sure that classes at Jow Ga Kung Fu Academy are as safe as possible: our classes are taught only by experienced and highly qualified instructors, and we use safety equipment such as floor mats and protective gear. We also make sure our students warm up and stretch properly before engaging in the lesson proper. However, minor bumps and bruises may be expected during classes.

The answer to this question depends on your own personal fighting aptitude and physical ability. Generally, however, constant practice for some three to six months might be enough for you to defend yourself against an attacker with no training or martial arts background.

How it long it takes depends entirely on you. Some students like to take their time and therefore will take longer, while other students are more driven to practise and therefore achieve mastery in a short time. Generally, however, a few months of assiduous training should enable you to attain a significant level of mastery.

For our scheduled classes on Fridays and Saturdays, we do our best to keep our classes small to be able to give each student individualised attention and instruction. On the other hand, the size of our private training sessions is at the student’s discretion.

Please get in touch with us for our enrolment and monthly training fees and payment schemes.

We do offer an introductory class for each of our age groups. Please get in touch with us so we can sign you up and schedule your class at your convenience.

All you need to begin your Jow Ga Kung Fu classes are a t-shirt, a pair of track pants and sneakers.